March 2010

March came in like a lamb and everyone in Western New York is excited about the change of weather.  The focus early in the month was the Olympics - with the U.S. Team poised to have a record-breaking gold medal run!  The U.S. Hockey Team played their hearts out, only to come up a little short, losing to Team Canada.

In women's hockey we saw that great celebrations always include cigars!  What a statement these girls made firing up cigars after their gold medal win!  Virgil Avenue Tobacconist does not, nor has ever supported underage people using tobacco products.  The fact that theses ladies chose cigars as part of their celebration speaks volumes about social and cultural aspects associated with enjoying a premium cigar.

Any Gold Medal winner visiting Buffalo NY is welcome to stop in and receive a congratulatory cigar, compliments of Virgil Avenue Tobacconist!  The guys at Virgil would like to thank all the U.S. Team members for hours and hours of Olympic excitement!  Also, we send our kindest regards to all our friends and customers in Toronto and Southern Ontario - cheers to Team Canada for bringing home the Gold!

This March there are some new editions to Virgil Avenue Tobacconist's extensive inventory.  New cigars from C.A.O., Gurkha and Te-Amo (tee-yamo) are available and selling well!  C.A.O.'s La Traviotta Toro is a "best buy this month, based on customer response.  This oily toro is a bargain at just $6.50.  The construction, draw and flavor are first rate!  Short, fat cigars are still in vogue with some manufacturers.  If you like nub shape products, the Te-Amo selection is for you!  The line offers four blends: Dominican, Nicaraguan, Honduran and Cuban for a wide range of tastes and at a reasonable price point.

Over twenty manufacturers have come on board for this year's CIGARS for CHARITY event!!  Brands such as Ashton, Rocky Patel, General Cigar, Altadis, La Flor Dominica, C.A.O., Oliva, JC Newman, Alex Bradley - will help make this year's event a huge success!

New additions include a Colibri lighter booth with new products and customer support.  Brill from Smoke Stix E. Cigarettes will be showing product and offering kits for our silent auction.  The casino is working on a new menu for this year' event and we're sure that everyone will have a fabulous time while enjoying great food, cocktails and awesome cigars!  Don't wait - this event will be a sell out.  For our friends in Toronto, tickets are available at the Cigar Studio.  Stop in and see Jerry and tell him you need a GOLDEN TICKET to CIGARS for CHARITY!

Plans are underway for our annual "Rick Manzoni" Golf Classic.  Don't miss this one!  Competition for the coveted 'Virgil Cup' brings out some of the lying est, cheating est, lousy golfers in Western New York - and some great ones!  Ladies, don't be scared away from this testosterone heavy event.  All are welcome and when you're around, the guys act much better!

Sports talk has been primarily about the Sabres changes for the playoffs and beyond.  Spring training and the Yankees seem to dominate the baseball conversation at Virgil in our smoking lounge.  The general consensus is that the Yankees win this years world series and will dominate baseball the next 100 years!  That said, a huge Boston Red Sox fan and dear friend passed this month on the same day that Barry and Bob celebrated twenty-three years together in business!  Every year forward when we celebrate our anniversary, we will remember our friend Paul Neiss senior - for the love of family, life and friends, great food, Guinness and all things "Boston".

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to All !!